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Golden Retriever puppies for sale
English Cream Golden Retriever
English Cream Golden Retriever Puppies



"Sweet Golden of Wildcat Hollow"

Sakari’s pedigree reads as a “Who’s Who” from the world of Multi-Titled Champion Golden Retrievers. Old European bloodlines that embodies the “Best of the Best”!


Her father is Romanian and Serbian Champion “Another Masterpiece of Clear Passion”, who is an International Champion, as well as an 8-time National Champion. Other titles include 2 Best of Breed, and 2 Best of Group.

One of Sakari’s grandfathers is the renowned, multi-titled World Champion “Moondust Masterpiece”, who won the World Title in 2006.


Throughout her pedigree you’ll find Champions, International Champions, and Multi-Titled Golden Retrievers from all across Europe. English Champions, Romanian, Serbian, Irish, German, and Norwegian titled Golden Retrievers, as well as Champions of Luxembourg, Sweden, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, and the Netherlands. Highly esteemed Golden Retrievers such as Dutch and German Champion “Team Spirit of Glen Sheallag”, the Top Winning Golden in 2005, along with the World Winner in 2003, German VDH-Champion “Intermezzo v.d Beerse Hoeve”, and the Vice World Winner in 2002, Swedish

Champion “Rossmix Rugger”.  Another incredible Golden Retriever in Sakari’s pedigree is the Multi-Titled Champion “Standfast Angus”, who was the Junior World Winner in 1990, and claimed the World Title for an astounding 3 years in a row in 1991, 1992, and 1993. Angus had an outstanding career, winning 54 National Championships, 41 “Best of Breed” titles, and 16

“Best in Show” titles. Going back into the 4’th and 5’th generation of Sakari’s phenomenal pedigree, you’ll find many other famous Golden Retrievers such as Multi-Champion “Orange - Juice of Glen Sheallag” the World Winner in 1995, Multi-Champion “Jamescroft Squire”the 1990 World Winner, the 1998 Vice World Winner “Blakesley Cromwell”, as well as many other National and International Champions.

With the exceptional Golden Retrievers that make up Sakari’s family tree, it leaves little doubt why she’s such an intelligent and eager to please companion. She truly is a sweetheart!!

English Cream Golden Retriever
English Cream Golden Retriever
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